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Type alias: PropagationResult

Ƭ PropagationResult: Object

Result of constraint propagation (see propagate).

This object contains the result of constraint propagation: variable domains, duration of the propagation, number of variables etc.

The propagation can also recognize that the model is infeasible. In this case the property domains is set to "infeasible". The propagation can also finish by a limit, in this case domains is set to "limit".

Type declaration

domains"infeasible" | "limit" | ModelDomainsVariable domains after propagation (see ModelDomains). If the model is infeasible then this property is set to "infeasible". If the propagation was stopped because of a limit (in particular time limit) then this property is set to "limit".
durationnumberDuration of the propagation in seconds.
memoryUsednumberThe amount of memory used by solver for propagation. In bytes.
nbConstraintsnumberNumber of constraints in the input model.
nbIntervalVarsnumberNumber of interval variables in the input model.